Nicholas Harding: A problem solved in every picture
Sydney Morning HeraldJohn McDonald
8 November 2022
When Nicholas Harding was awarded the 2022 Wynne Prize for landscape, one sensed it wasn’t simply a vote for a single painting, but for a lifetime’s achievement. This is not to detract from that winning canvas, Eora, a vast bushland scene, almost 2 by 4 metres – a scale that might have intimidated most artists, let alone one who was battling a deadly illness.
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'He found beauty and colour everywhere': celebrating the life of Nicholas Harding
The GuardianDavid Marr
3 November 2022
Nicholas Harding has died.
The cancer they thought they’d beaten returned to take him the other day at the age of 66. We lost a good man and beautiful painter whose work is loved.
He could paint a stretch of bush or an umbrella in the sand and make you think you were seeing them for the first time. He did beauty with absolute bravado. One of his flame trees in full bloom is a dazzling sight. But then he painted a patch of railway tracks that takes your breath away.
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PODCAST: George Byrne
Spotify: Interview with an artist21 October 2021
Australian born, LA based artist George Byrne is a man of many talents. You most likely know his work via his Instagram feed @george_byrne or his stunning book Post Truth. It took George a few years to get into his groove but now that he's there, his art is going from strength to strength.
In today's episode we talk about how he left photography but eventually found his way back, how LA became his muse, the attention to detail that went into creating his book and what some of the misconceptions might be about his art. George and I spoke in early October when he was in hotel quarantine in Sydney. He’s back in the country for his solo exhibition Innervisions opening on the 27th of October at Olsen gallery.
Related exhibition: George Byrne Innervisions

PUBLIC WORKS: Jacqui Stockdale
The Weekend AustralianBronwyn Watson
5-6 November 2022
Jacqui Stockdale, Rama-Jaara, The Royal Shpherdess, 2012, Collection Benalla Art Gallery. Purchased with funds from the Robert Salzer Foundation and the Benalla Art Gallery Acquisition Trust Fund, 2015.
In 2009 during the Black Saturday bushfires, Jacqui Stockdale's fmaily lost their property, Long Gully, on the outskirts of Benidgo in central Victoria. Three years after those devastating bushfires, Stockdale decided to make work referring to her personal loss. 'We has lost our family home,' she said, 'and I needed to create a victorious, rising-from-the-ashes, hybrid Australian feminine archetype.'
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Paul Davies | Paradise with a Twist
Australian Financial ReviewStephen Todd
Paradise with a twist; 'Failed painter' Paul Davies creates artworks of uncanny architectural allure

Maroon 5’s Jesse Carmichael Keeps it Short and Sweet with Two-Minute Movies
KCETJuly 2020
Participants can do as they like, but it can’t run longer than two minutes; that’s the idea behind 2 Minute Movies (2mm), a collective of filmmakers and artists founded in early 2019 by Maroon 5’s Jesse Carmichael. “The biggest takeaway from this period of isolation is just how important it is to have friends and family around to make things in life with; memories and art,” he tells “Southland Sessions.” Despite starting before the pandemic, the collective’s more recent videos reflect intimate portraits of the current moment.
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Laura Jones 'Arcadia'
March 2020Arcadia by Laura Jones opens at Glasshouse, Port Macquarie 6 March at 6pm. The exhibition will run from 7 March ?? 19 April 2020.
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Artist Spotlight: Leila Jeffreys
NorthMatt Pike
September 2019
Leila Jeffreys is a leading Australian contemporary artist, who began documenting birds in photographic portraiture back in 2008. Leila is able to capture impeccable detail in her subjects, abstracting them from their natural environment and inviting the viewer to confront them in a more personable way.
_continue readingRelated exhibition: Leila Jeffreys High Society

Birds of a Feather
Art / EditStephanie Vigilante
September 2019
Leila Jeffreys has dedicated her practice to capturing our feathered friends on film. She talks to Stephanie Vigilante about the power of the portrait.
_continue readingRelated exhibition: Leila Jeffreys High Society

Something Isn't Quite Right in George Byrne's Photographs
SurfaceRyan Waddoups
September 11, 2019
The Australian artist??s latest photo series, on display at Olsen Gruin in New York City, stitches together scenic collages of Los Angeles, Miami, and Sydney to create radiant, semi-fictional landscapes that feel slightly off.
_continue readingRelated exhibition: George Byrne Exit Vision

The Imagined Architecture of George Byrne's
WhitewallKaty Donoghue
September 5, 2019
George Byrne's "Exit Vision" opens this week at Olsen Gruin in New York. The new series of work includes pastel photo-collages of images captured in Miami, Los Angeles, and Sydney - inspired by architecture, color, and culture.
_continue readingRelated exhibition: George Byrne Exit Vision

Artist You Need to Know: George Byrne
Art ZealousCaitlin Confort
September 4, 2019
Art Zealous' Caitlin Confort sits down with artist George Byrne to discuss his photography practice, his collaborations with Soho House, and his newest exhibition at Olsen Gruin, Exit Vision.
_continue readingRelated exhibition: George Byrne Exit Vision

2018 Art Basel Guide To The Best Events You Won't Easily Find
The Aspiring GentlemanAndrew Nackton
December 3, 2018
Miami??s 2018 Art Basel festival is upon us this starting this week which just so happens to be where we live. That makes us self-proclaimed ??Art Basel Experts? and now it??s time to listen up. We??re not going to send you to anything not worthy of an ??Aspiring Gentleman??. Take notes and fill up you 2018 Art Basel schedule wisely.
_continue readingRelated exhibition: Kevin Bourgeois Wall of Sound

Soho House DTLA Warehouse to Feature Original Paul Davies Mural
The Hollywood ReporterJordan Riefe
October 19, 2018
Paul Davies is selected to paint a 17x7 foot mural at the Soho House's new DTLA Warehouse set to open in spring 2019.
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W Editors BlogTimothy McCahill
May 2, 2011
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The Watermill Center Celebrates Its 25th Anniversary With TIME BOMB, A Creative Explosion
ForbesBettina Zilkha
August 2, 2018
The Watermill Center held its 25th Annual Gala, TIME BOMB, at its headquarters Saturday night. Presented by Van Cleef & Arpels and honoring the late Pierre Berge, the aptly named evening featured an explosion of creativity. Over 1,000 guests strolled through the site, where the colorful theme, in tribute to Berge and the Jardins Majorelle, abounded. The evening raised $2.2 million for the center...
There were exciting works to be had at the silent auction, including recent pieces by Rachel Hovnanian, Leila Jeffreys, Hadieh Shafie, and many more. The live auction featured a trio of Keith Haring prints courtesy of the Tony Shafrazi Foundation, and works by Peter Beard, Nan Goldin, Roy Lichtenstein, Masako Miki, Duke Riley, Tseng Kwong Chi, as well as a Robert Wilson video.

Southampton Welcomes Fine Art Photographer Leila Jeffreys
PuristCarole Reed
July 25, 2018
Ornithologists and art aficionados alike find delight in Leila Jeffreys' winged works.
Conservationist, world traveller and fine art photographer, Leila Jeffreys, grew up in Perth, Australia. She experienced all the boundless travel and exposure to exotic wildlife required for an artist with her particular level of visual acuity. Among the many celebrities, who have taken her under their wing, Jonathan Adler, smartly featured the work of this emerging artist in 20 North American stores in 2010. As both a curator and interior designer, I adore the clean graphic quality of her work, and appreciate the memorable, emotional charge her subjects emit to their viewers.
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Photographer Leila Jeffries Exhibits Exotic Wildlife Works In New Salon Series
KDHamptonsJuly 25, 2018
“I was walking down 5th Ave one evening and in the window of Bergdorfs was the most magical display of a photographers work with brightly festooned mannequins I had ever seen,” shares Carole Reed. “Searching up the artist immediatley I suddenly found myself obsessed by these bird portraits on Instagram, then they appeared behind the shoulder of Brooke Shields in a recent InStyle shoot, it seemed they were everywhere. As both a curator and interior designer I adore the clean graphic quality of her work while also appreciating the memorable emotional charge her subjects emit to their viewers.”
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Review - Unmasking the portraiture of McLean Edwards
www.andrewmcilroy.comAndrew McIlroy
July 9, 2018
Doug Moran National Portrait Prize judge, Wendy Sharpe, described Tim Storrier's 2017 winning painting of fellow Australian artist McLean Edwards as "an arresting, intriguing image at once both disturbing and playful". Storrier's portrait of his friend in The Lunar Savant (Portrait of McLean Edwards) indeed presents such a contrast.
_continue readingRelated exhibition: McLean Edwards Marsupials

Damien Hirst Denies Ripping Off Female Aboriginal Artists Was "Unaware" of Their Work
ObserverDaniel Grant
March 29, 2018
Lots of art looks (and sounds and reads) like other art, which is why fine artists and musicians and authors periodically lob accusations of ??stealing? at one another.
View works by Kathy Maringka "Tali Ngura - Sandhill Country " and "Tjulpuntjulpunpa " featured in the Olsen Gruin 2017 exhibition "Sharing Country ".
_continue readingRelated exhibition: SHARING COUNTRY curated by Adam Knight